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NOMASVELLO - World Leader in Permanent Hair Removal with Diode Laser and IPL

Brandul Nomasvello a luat naștere în anul 2007 în Spania și în 14 ani de activitate am reușit să ne extindem în 12 țări de pe 3 continente: Spania, Italia, Portugalia, Marea Britanie, Slovenia, Italia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Bosnia, Georgia, Brazilia, Mexic, Croația, Suedia, România.  În anul 2021, rețelei Nomasvello,  s-a alăturat și Republica Moldova.

In total we have more than 600 centers worldwide, with over one million customers in the network and thanks to this we are the largest network of beauty centers in the world, specializing in permanent hair removal and facial therapies (wrinkles, expression lines , sunspots and old age, acne) using intensely pulsed light (IPL).

Our research and development team is constantly moving. Due to the evolution and improvement of work equipment, we allow ourselves to treat a wide range of phototypes, more efficient than any other method of removing unwanted hair.

We have the fastest and most powerful equipment on the market (60 Joules / cm 2 ), which has been specially designed to offer hair removal and skin rejuvenation treatments based on intense pulsed light. The modern equipment has an intense Sub-Zero cooling system, which is gentle on the skin and offers local anesthesia to make a painless treatment.

Unlike other hair removal systems, intense pulsed light can treat almost all skin and hair types, with fewer side effects and at a lower cost.

equipment Laser Diode patentat de Laboratoarele de Cercetare si Dezvoltare No+Vello Spania funcționează pe o lungime de undă de 810 nm, asigurînd o permanent hair removalcomplicated painlesscomplicated etand comfortableă.



This innovative technology is the latest discovery that allows permanent hair removal on tanned skin, in conditions of maximum safety and efficiency.

It was launched after an in-depth study of our development department (doctors, engineers and professionals) in collaboration with IPL specialists from the USA and Israel. Thanks to this new technology you can sunbathe up to 5 days before and after treatment.

Now you can enjoy fine skin in any season!



In 2012 Nomasvello introduced a new service and with the help of LED + Esthetic equipment 3 new treatments were launched:

Our staff will advise you on how to personalize your treatments and get the best results.



Ultrasound and Galvanic Energy Technology is one of the most innovative in the field of beauty!

With this new treatment you can achieve a deep cleansing of the skin and the removal of impurities from the skin without attacking the tissue.

It is the newest treatment that works without the need to use chemicals, removes dead cells and reactivates circulation in the area by stimulating collagen formation and cell regeneration.


No+Vello prezintă inovația în diagnoza și tratarea problemelor faciale bazate pe analiza gratuită a tenului și stabilirea tratamentului și produselor specifice fiecărei probleme.

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