069 717 179
Frequent questions
What is you their Minimum age for making hair removal treatments progressively final?

A: In the case of girls there is no minimum age, but it is recommended to wait to have regular menstruation, ie to have had menstruation in the last 3-4 months at about 28 days apart.

In the case of boys, it is advisable to wait until after 18 years.

Regardless of gender, in order to carry out treatments for minors, the signature of one of the parents / guardians is also required for the treatment agreement.

What is permanent progressive hair removal?

A: Progressive permanent hair removal is the treatment by which we obtain the permanent destruction of hair follicles in a percentage of 90-95% for women and 75-80% for men. Most of the strands left after the treatment will be very thin and depigmented, looking fluffy. The results depend on: the age and sex of the client, the thickness and depth of the hair, the type of skin, etc.

C t t A is dangerous depilation gradually final?

A: Epilarea progresiv definitivă este un tratament descoperit chiar de către un medic in 1875. Epilarea cu ajutorul luminii, a început să se dezvolte după 1960, cu ajutorul medicilor dematologi. În tot acest timp, nu au fost semnalate efecte secundare grave, care să pună sănătatea în pericol, ba dimpotrivă se observa îmbunătățirea stării pielii.

In the case of Nomasvello treatments, they are performed with their own equipment (IPL and Laser Diode) and based on a working protocol developed by No + Vello Spain Research and Development Laboratories. The results can be seen from the first meeting.

C their residence TRENDS AND you need?

A: In Nomasvello centers, progressive progressive hair removal uses IPL (intensely pulsed light) and Laser Diode technologies for optimal results. The Nomasvello brand is the World Leader in progressive permanent hair removal. Laser flash and IPL flash destroy the root of the hair, affecting the germ cells at its base to prevent the birth of new hair follicles. Epilation is effective only in the anagen phase of the hair, when the growth takes place, so several sessions spaced in time are needed. Destroyed wires do not reappear. A complete treatment involves 8-10 regular sessions and then maintenance sessions between 1 and 3 per year, to maintain the results obtained.

However, the number of sessions required differs from person to person, depending on: hair and skin type, sex, age, hormonal status, medication, compliance with treatment instructions, etc.

The first step for any customer is to schedule a free test of progressive country Epilators final for full details and a clearer estimate of the number of sessions required and distance between them.

What is the duration of each session?

A: The duration of a meeting depends on the area treated and the technology used. The permanent progressive epilation with diode laser takes less - the mini areas are treated in 5-10 minutes, the midi areas in 10-20 minutes, and the maxi ones in 20-40 minutes.

If IPL technology is used, the working time will increase. For example, the hair removal treatment on the legs will take about 60 minutes, the armpit area about 20 minutes and the upper lip area only a few minutes.

Can all areas of the body be treated?

A: Both working technologies, IPL and Laser Diode respectively can treat almost all areas of the body: arms, legs, groin, perineum, armpit, buttocks, back, chest, etc. except for areas very close to the eyes or sensitive (inside the nose, the surrounding area eyes, eyebrows, ears, scrotum).

The face area is treated only with IPL, not with diode laser.

When can I start permanent hair removal treatment?

A: Definitive progressive hair removal treatment can be initiated at any time, it is not a seasonal treatment. In addition, it is effective and safe even on tanned skin, so the sessions can be performed in the summer season, in accordance with the recommendations for tanned skin.

You can do the final progressive hair removal treatment on tanned skincomplicated?

A:  Of course. Thanks to our exclusive Sun & Safe technology, the definitive progressive hair removal treatment can be performed and on tanned skin, provided that the treated area has not been exposed to the sun or artificially tanned (solar / self-tanning) in the last 72 hours.

However, tanned, sun / sun-damaged skin has an increased risk of side effects. In such situations, it is recommended to wait at least 4 weeks from the last sun / UV exposure to be able to perform the treatment.

Is epilation permanent?

A: In most cases, hair growth is reduced by about 75 - 90%.

After finishing the treatment, maintenance sessions are recommended about 1-3 per year or as needed.

Destroyed hairs will not reappear, but the human body has the ability to produce other hair follicles. The maintenance will be done on these newly appeared hairs, in order to maintain the results obtained during the regular sessions.

What preparations are needed before starting the definitive progressive hair removal treatment?

A: Once the final progressive hair removal treatment is started, the hair will no longer be pulled out, but only the blade, trimmer or depilatory cream will be used, about 2 times between sessions.

It must be at least 21 days after the last hair removal by tearing, before coming to the session and to avoid sun exposure at least 3 days before and after each session.

On the day of the session, no photosensitizing drugs will be taken and no body oil, face cream or other body care products will be used on the areas where the treatment is to be performed.

There are contraindications Epilators definitive progressive country?

A: Before starting treatment, in the free trial, we will ask you a series of questions to detect possible contraindications, such as diabetes, epilepsy, photosensitizing medication, pregnancy, breastfeeding, skin diseases, cancer, sun allergy , tattoos, freshly tanned skin, highly pigmented skin, dark skin, etc. Following this evaluation, you will be recommended a treatment regimen so that you can get the best results in complete safety.

There are side effects of a gradual Epilators final?

A: The way the treated area looks after treatment varies from person to person, and the side effects are usually minor. Customers immediately return to normal business.

Erythema and inflammation that appear around the hair follicles after treatment indicate the response of the follicle to treatment and is a desirable clinical outcome. This reaction, also called perifollicular edema, disappears in a maximum of 48 hours.

Other side effects encountered are: erythema, pruritus, local heat, crusts, burns, blackheads where the hair roots have remained, dryness of the treated skin, etc.

The use of Nomasvello hydroprotective emulsion is recommended, both before treatment for 4 days (morning and evening) and after each session. Its soothing, regenerating and moisturizing effects are necessary for proper skin preparation and treatment, especially because it also includes sun protection factor. It is also essential to eliminate any skin damage, as a consequence of dehydration.

Several recommendations to reduce the occurrence of side effects:

What are the advantages of permanent progressive hair removal treatments performed in Nomasvello clinics?
Depilation gradually final follicle treats?

A: Yes, permanent progressive hair removal is the most popular effective remedy against folliculitis . Once the root is destroyed and there are no more hair follicles, the folliculitis will disappear. On the surface of the skin, the heat released during treatment has antimicrobial properties, reducing the chances of recurrence of folliculitis. In addition, with the help of the treatment offered by our center, the skin will regenerate and the remaining signs of folliculitis will disappear.

What is the difference between Laser Diode and IPL?

A: Both systems rely on light for hair removal (selective photothermolysis). The Diode laser acts directly on the skin, while the IPL acts through the hair, which conducts the intense pulsed light to the root. The IPL epilation device, emits a light with a variable wavelength, acts between 700 and 900 nm and is polychromatic; it is suitable for both thin and thick threads. The Diode laser has 810 nm, a fixed and monochrome wavelength. It is very suitable for threads with deep roots, because selective photothemolysis is done much deeper in the skin, and the impulse always has the same penetration.

The Diode laser also treats phototypes IV and V, darker in color. IPL also treats facial hair.

Can I use Laser / IPL permanent hair removal if I have blond hair?

A: Rezultatele și eficiența tratamentului depind de nuanța de blond a firului de păr și a rădăcinii acestuia. Pe un fir de păr blond foarte deschis, cu o concentrație de melanină redusă (sau pentru firul lipsit de melanină), rezultate nu se vor înregistra. Cu ajutorul IPL-ului putem trata firul de păr blond-închis cu rădăcina șatenă. Cu toate acestea, rezultatele în aceste cazuri nu se pot compara cu cele ale persoanelor cu fire mai închise la culoare, în cel mai bun caz, se va înregistra o reducere a pilozității de pînă la maximum 50%.


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